Introduction to Computer Graphics


Primary Author:  David J. Eck  (

Revised by:

WELCOME TO Introduction to Computer Graphics, a free, on-line textbook covering the fundamentals of computer graphics and computer graphics programming. This book is designed for use as a textbook in a one-term, upper-division, undergraduate computer science course.

The web pages for this book include live, interactive demos that require a modern web browser. While the book is mainly designed for reading on a desktop computer, most of the demos should also work on recent mobile devices, using a touchscreen instead of a mouse.

Words in the book that are shown in this style or underlined like this refer to glossary entries; click the word to see a definition.

You can download this web site for use on your own computer. PDF versions of the textbook are also available. The PDF that includes links might be the best way to read it on your computer. Links to the downloads can be found at the bottom of this page.

Short Table of Contents:

Revisions ©2022, James Foster.
Original text ©2015–2018, David J. Eck.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 License. (This license allows you to redistribute this book in unmodified form for non-commercial purposes. It allows you to make and distribute modified versions for non-commercial purposes, as long as you include an attribution to the original author, clearly describe the modifications that you have made, and distribute the modified work under the same license as the original. Permission might be given by the author for other uses. See the license for full details.)

The home site for the original book is:
The home site for the revised book is:

1 August 2015, Version 1.0
28 January 2016, Version 1.1
6 January 2018, Version 1.2
6 January 2020, jgfoster/2020
2 January 2022, jgfoster/2022